
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, Im new in grasshopper and I was having hard time interpolating some points. As explained in the file, I ve connected in order the points for the interpolation and it worked for the first curve, however when I try to do the same thing for another curve, it will interpolate wrong, connecting the last two. 

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Check attachment.


Thank you very much! We really appreciate it. 


P and F

The sequence of points is wrong for "sendero central A", as you can see; points zero and one are reversed.

Not a good practice for point sequence to depend on how the wires are connected.  Better to make that sequence explicit with a component like 'Merge':

The need for 'Flatten' on the single 'Pt (Point)' params is interesting...  Without it, 'Merge' observes the disparate data paths and creates branches where you don't want them.

By the way, you can "internalize" the initial curve from Rhino in the GH file, so the Rhino file isn't needed at all.  Right-click on the 'Geo' param (should be 'Crv' param) and click "Internalize data".

Thank you very much! I was wondering if there was a component to create a radial array or similar so that it recreates a structure like the attachement below.







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