
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm new to Grasshopper, so I think this problem may be easy to solve:

I'm trying to create an interpolated curve within grasshopper via the BzSpan module.
The curve should have a start and end tangent and go through an additional point without tangents.
I'm able to create the desired curve (resulting in a polysurface) within Rhino (rh1.png) with the InterpCrv command, but not within Grasshopper (gh1/2.png).
As I see this, the IntCrv module in GH doesn't allow me to set tangents.

You'd make my day, if you could help me.

Views: 1702


Replies to This Discussion

You could write a fairly small VB/C# script for this, but I just added the component. I plan to release later today (barring any horrendous bugs that float to the surface until then).



Both tangents can be zero-length vectors (in which case they are ignored) and periodicity is no longer an option.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks, David. This is exactly what I needed.

Will you post here, once the update has been released?

No, there will be a new features topic on the main forum. You'll also get an update message when you run Grasshopper and there's a newer version available.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


It seems like there's a bug.

Starting with some simple points and feeding the component with them works. But I have a configuration, where the C output contains 9 curves instead of 3.

Maybe it has to do with some Explode components I use before, which generate vectors later on.

Hopefully I find a way to reproduce the problem.


It's most likely a mismatch in your input data structure. You'll need to have a close look at how the data is structured before it goes into the component. Either post your file or hook up a bunch of Param Viewers and post another screen shot.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Added the screenshot.

I think they should behave normally.


There should certainly not be a single curve. If you have 3 start tangents and 3 end tangents then you'll get three curves.


If your component then has Cross Reference data matching then you'll get 9 curves.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks for the hint, David.

I've turned it from Cross Reference to Shortest List and now it works perfectly. Seems I yet have to fully understand handling data structures.






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