
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Good evening community,

I am trying to create a box deformation by using a point field. The problem is that i want my script to connect the box points which have same x and y(but different z) and create an interpolate curve after the point field deformation(points are being pulled into nodes). Any ideas are welcomed. Thank you in advance for your time.

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You lost the original data/tree structure by using 'Flatten' after 'ArrLinear'.  If you can achieve your deformation without doing that, I think it will be easier to get those curves.

Like this?

Note that I didn't flatten anything.


P.S.  Here is the same code again with your three 'Pts' internalized so the Rhino file isn't needed.


This is exactly what i was looking for. Thank you for your help and time. I think it is a good example for new users on how to solve data matching problems. Cheers!

Yep.  Keeping the data/tree structure intact is often crucial to getting the most out of GH.  'Flatten' can destroy that when used capriciously.

And just for fun, here is how to loft those curves to create the "holy grail" - a closed brep (solid):







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