
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello again. Just wondering if instead of the pipe option there is an option where instead of a circular tube we can draw a more rectangular shape..Many thanks

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Hi Lida,

Place a perp frame at t=0 on your curve then use it to place a rectangle which you then sweep along your curve.

Hey Arthur,
I see what you mean, as you would do in Rhino if I understand correclty..The thing is I have used the pipe component in grasshopper, but I DO want the variation in the size of the rectangular (i do not want the rectangle to be uniform from beginning to the end) do I have to do it on each line element individually?I have uploaded the file..Thanks Arthur and thanks very much for helping with the Rhino installation on Saturday

Sweep1 should accomplish what your asking. The section curve needs to be oriented correctly to the rail curve.


Hello Taz,
Thanks very much, I will give it a go and will let you know!(not sure as I have used in grasshopper the pipe component for connecting a series of lines)..
Many thanks again
Hi Lida you can Plug as many rectangular profiles as you want in your sweep component.
You can change the rectangle profile sizes as much as you want.
Hello again..
I don't mean to sound stupid or anything.....but I have connected the line (I hid the pipe) to the curve extension (i have uploaded the file).The thing is, what am i doing wrong>the lines that connect the division points are the ones that I need to convert into the rectangular ''pipes''..also, the plane of the rectangle follows the curve whereas I want it to follow the Z axis..Thanks again
Something along these lines?

The planes are all vertical but follow the curve.

The thing is , because I have divided the curves and I used the line component to unite the points (and not an actual line in rhino) where the line was divided..the actual line is not there for me to snap on or for the sweep1 to follow the path of ,if it makes sense?? so the thing is, becaus I need the points to alteraccording to the numeric slider(they are not actual points they are points created by the division component). What I am trying to say is that I need the sweep to use the lines that are actually not there...i think....that's why I was asking whether there is a more rectangular pipe component..because for the sweep you need to have the actual path/line/curve in order for it to follow
You're correct. For Sweep you need a rail curve.

But if your points are ordered (and since you're creating the points in GH this should be the case) you should be able to create a polyline or interpolated curve for the rail and sweep any profile you want along it.

yes but! the points ordered yes on a line/curve that was created in rhino is it? because I have my curve created in rhino , gh=curve set curve, I set the curve and then divided etc.but the points I want to unite with the rectangular pipe (which I have united with the regular pipe) are the ones between two curves...see what I mean?
I can create the sweep along the curve that I have set but not between the two curves.I tried drawing an actial line between the points but I cannot snap (let alone the fact that the points can be 10-40)...Does it make sense? Thank you very much for your help so far and your time..
OK, I follow. To do what you want to do parametrically, you'll need to develop an understanding of data tree structure.

Below is just an example (which probably wont really help you understand data trees) but you can use the Param Viewer to see what is going on with branch names and the number of items per branch.

That's all I can write for now, but a search might turn up more specific information about data trees. The primer (2nd ed) also gives an introduction and an example (an example very similar to your case).


Thanks very much Taz. I am fairly new to GH so... I am going to look at your example and the primer as suggested.Thanks again.






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