
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I installed the package, it creates a folder in C: called SpaceSyntax....., I copied the grasshopper components to the special folder program. but it dosen´t appear any tab or component

I reviewed the components for if those are blocked or whatever. I use Rhino 5 (X64) and the last grasshopper 0.90064

Any solution?

Views: 1623

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If you have run the installer, you should have a folder containing a GHA file and example files. You can drag and drop the GHA onto your grasshopper canvas. note that you can specify where you want to save that folder while installing. If the problem still exists you can post it in the Space Syntax page.

yes i try to drop the gh flie example into canvas but it send a message saying that it dosn´t recognise the space syntax compoents

which file are you exactly referring to? SpaceSyntax_for_GenerativeDesign or Example_SpaceSyntax_GH

I drop the SaceSyntax_for_GenerativeDesign.gha in the special folder of grasshopper. after closing rhino etc I try to open the with the grasshopper but it says that it doesn´t recognise the spacesyntax components

Hi Jorge,

Have you updated your Rhino and GH recently? Did you drop it into the components folder? 

You need to make sure your Rhino is up to date; to do so, you can go to Rhino/Tools & Options and check if you have an up to date version. If not you can enable that. Please let us know if the problem still exits. 

Having the same problem with the installation and I'm running Rhino 5 SR6 with grasshopper 0.90075. Any direct advice as how to remedy the problem?

Also having the same problem. Rhino 5 SR6 with grasshopper 0.90075.

move the .gha to C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries, update the grasshopper to 9.0072 and try it again

Summoning the Grasshopper Developer Settings in Rhino and enabling the "Memory load..." can do the trick (you need to restart rhino).

Thank you Alejandro, that fixed the problem.






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