
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi -

I have points inside and outside of a brep 

I want to isolate the points inside the brep and then interpolate a curve through the points.

I can use the inside component which provides a list of boolean true/false values, but does this component also provide the coordinates of the desired points inside the brep?

Should I use a different component?



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Connect the boolean and the original point list to a cull pattern component to filter the points you want.

You have to think now how to order the inside points so that the curve flows the way you want.

thanks -- worked perfectly

i have the same problem here...i set up the "point in curve"-function and then i get the relationship list, showing me the parameters (0,1,2) of all my points...but how do i set up my call pattern to extract just the points with the relationship of "2" (=inside curve)?


You're looking to create the logic 0,0,1 for the result 0,1,2

One way would be to

Result --> (A) Integer Division

2 --> (B) Integer Division

Integer Division --> (P) Cull Pattern

Where the pattern is 0,0,1 because

0\2 = 0

1\2 = 0

2\2 = 1






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