
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a shape that is triangulated, I am trying to inflate each triangle face, with the triangle edges as the anchors, im having trouble editing the kangaroo definition to work this way. anyone able to help. thanks. 

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You mean something like this?


yes like that, but I need the edges to be anchors not he vertices. Should I divide the edges into points and use those points as anchors?

Download the same file again.

 I updated the attached file after rereading the main post. I didn't create a new message since it took me a couple of minutes to update it and didn't expect anyone to have seen it yet.

It works great, thanks so much. May I ask how you picked up kangaroo? was it just playing around?

Yes, mainly playing around with the example definitions that come with Kangaroo.

There's also a doc file with some useful info. You can find it in the download page.

thanks again

btw what is the vb component doing?


It's outputting each corner of the triangular mesh faces. You could do it using only standard components in various ways but it takes more space and it's only a few lines of code.






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