
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can I get something like this to be seen in Rhino with the help of Grasshopper OR with the help of Rhino OR with the help of BOTH?! :D

Can I change the style for the writing? Like have "Arial" for example?

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Thank you man!

Can I also get the Text bigger or change the Style (Font)?


With the component you are using [Text Tag] you can right click on the component and select a size from the context menu.

With the component I was Using [Text Tag 3D] you can use the S input. Short for Size

Neither can change font style

I guess I would choose 3D :D

Hey Danny,

you usually don't accept "friend invites" here on this forum, do you?


Only from people who aren't going to bombard my inbox with questions :)

I have had a sixth month period of not being present on the forums. How could you be a 'friend' without wanting lots of attention. Looks like my radar was in good order that day. :)

It says on here I have 165 'friends'. Half of those I have I correspond with, of those 40 odd are the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers of the Grasshopper world. And possibly 20 in all I've met in person.

So yes I have 'Friends' but I've learnt a very valuable lesson about who they are. The only GH user to ever be banned from the forum was hounding me for support whilst i was in the delivery suite for the birth of one of my children.  Even despite being warned that I was not going to be available. The same person had managed to get hold of the home telephone number of another very prominent GH user/guru. So somewhere or other a line has to be drawn.

I have no problem giving my time to help others further their GH knowledge but it has to be done on my terms.

Here endeth the lesson... :)

EDIT: I don't know if you are aware of this but Grasshopper is principally a one man outfit. David has the resources of McNeel (makers of Rhino) but everyone else you see helping on the forum here are not employees.

Yeah ok, I'm a bad guy. I got it.

It's ok :) ... I have had hard lessons too :)

Life is full of them, isn't it? ...

I'm not aiming to kill a power ranger or a spider man ... Just want to learn like most people here :) ...

So as you like :)

But: I won't bombard you with questions ... Why bombard you alone, while I am able to bombard the whole world, when I'm writing it public? :D ... ;) :)

That really isn't what Danny said. Grasshopper is free. Support for Grasshopper is free. Most people providing support are not being paid for doing so. You cannot thus expect them to do work beyond what they themselves are comfortable with.

It is considered netiquette to not ask questions that could be answered with a Google search and a modicum of effort. Often questions asked here cannot be answered that way, sometimes because they have never been asked before and sometimes because old answers may no longer apply.

Feel free to ask all the questions you want, but do not expect anyone -not even me- to jump on them. Over all the GH forum is pretty good. There's a response time of several minutes at best to several hours on average. But some questions go unanswered forever. This is either because nobody knows the answer or because it is felt that the person asking isn't putting in the effort.

If you want instruction then either read the tutorials people have posted on-line or hire someone who is contractually obligated to help out; a teacher, in other words.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I've never hired a teacher and will probably never do ... I'm a poor guy :D ... I teach myself and help myself ... Your things are a bit complicated, but everything takes its time ... so just give me 10 years and I'll solve some differential equations with grasshopper, ok? :D ... 

Ok, I understand, but I wasn't gonna ask anybody in a private message to help me. I get help already, when I write here, so I don't do that ... I'm just so lonley I guess :D ...

ehm ... I appreciate every help and effort made to help me understand this stuff ... So thank you ...

I would add a good idea is to say to yourself before asking any question. "Can I find the answer if I really look hard enough?" Also, by asking a lot of redundant questions it muddies up the forum and distracts from the more urgent questions. Its same if your working in say an architecture firm. Will you be calling Rem Koolhaus to find out the dimensions of a fire stair? Or will you look in one of the probably 1,000 places this info is published?

you are right






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