I have a curve, which i divided and got certain points. I would like to move these points on the curve, but in such a way that each point is moved by it's own value plus the sum of all the translation values of points before it.
Lets say that i have a fixed radius circle originating from each point, they are touching. I want to move these points in such a way that none of them intersects, but the gap between some of them increases.
I have currently set up an elaborate network of intervals and lists. I have created a very simple list of numbers that go from 0, to some value, then back to 0 again. I have tried adding these numbers, to the 0-1.0 range which represents the position of points on this curve but the only thing i achieved is to move the points on the curve.
I'm not sure what i could do here. Could i perhaps create a list, that would query another list, take an index, and then add all of the values below that index?