
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

My install of Grasshopper seems to be missing lots of components.  It's been a while since I last used grasshopper so I'm not sure how long this problem has been going on.   I've tried uninstalling Grasshopper and reinstalling it, but that didn't do anything.  I don't want to uninstall Rhino, but that was going to be my next step.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I have to teach GH very soon.


I've included a screenshot below.



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David, Please help!  I've tried everything. 


I'm trying to run grasshopper on Rhino 5 or 4 and I'm having the same problem in each case.  Many of the components are not loading.  I've included a screen shot in the post above of the Surface tab,  showing only six components.

I've checked all the similar posts and tried all the advice:

I've downloaded the latest versions of Rhino 4 and Rhino 5 AND the latest version of Grasshopper.

I've deleted all previous versions of Grasshopper and checked to make sure Rhino was loading the correct version of GH.

I even copied GH from the Rhino 4 folder to Rhino 5 and loaded this version in the plugin manager.

I've downloaded the latest MS Runtimes per the 8.0011 install page.


Should I uninstall Rhino 4 and all it's updates and reinstall everything?!


Nothing is working and I've got a looming deadline.  Please help!

Are you installing 8.0013?

Do you have any addons installed (or remnants)?  I can't see any in the menus of the screen shot but perhaps if one was failing during loading it has been known to cause incomplete native grasshopper components.  I would check the libraries folders and any search folders listed in the rhino command grasshopperdevelopersettings


Some will echo a warning to the rhino command prompt so don't known if you've noticed anything there while Grasshopper is starting.


Good luck,





Thanks for the suggestions.  You were exactly right.  Before I saw your response, I actually uninstalled and reinstalled everything: Rhino 4 & 5, GH, deleted all the plugins, hunted down everything I could find and deleted it.  But still I had the same problem, the GH tabs were still incomplete.


I finally found the problem in when I ran the "grasshopperdevelopersettings" command you suggested and discovered this library folder:  "C:\Users\Andrew-Cocke\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries\" with a bunch of random GH plugins inside (AND some, but not all tabs I recognize from the basic GH install). 

I guess GH was looking in this library folder for GH plugins that I thought I had deleted, and maybe when it loaded those tabs from the basic GH install Rhino thought it was done?  I wasn't quite sure what to do, so I deleted ALL the components in that folder and when I reopened Rhino and GH, everything seemed to load just fine.  I'm still getting a message in the command line that it can't find those other plugins, but that doesn't seem to matter.  Maybe I'll have other problems when I try to reinstall those plugins?  But for the basic tabs, there were other paths for GH libraries and it seems that now GH is finding all the basic tabs with all their components.


Thanks so much for your help.  Hopefully this thread might help some other unlucky users.  So if you have any more suggestions for posterity please respond if you have a moment.




Hi Andrew,


From my experience (and those I've read or had emailed to me) re-installing Rhino isn't usually necessary.  Typically once you have removed any .gha files being loaded, re-installing Grasshopper and re-installing any plugins has resolved the issue (but I don't really know what causes it).


If you can state the start up error message (if it persists) then I (or someone else) might be able to help.










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