
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!

In this definition I'm trying to offset semicircles by using normals as the move vector. In the files I've attached the move vectors are currently along the Y axis which does not create an even offset.

The area I'm having trouble with on the definition is marked with the group label 'inside curve'. And the offset amount is controlled with the slider titled 'min move'.

The amplitude for the move vector input is currently plugged into Y axis, however I have tried plugging it into the normals output of the original divide surface, this produces a better offset, however the result is no longer planar (movement fluctuations along the z axis).

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as to how I could create the even/planar offset I'm after?

Views: 941


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Zeb,

Where you are using the pComp component, you are just decomposing a standard XY plane so the Y-axis is always going to have the same direction, hence the result you are getting.

I would go back to using the normal of the surface from the evaluate component. To remove the z-component of the vector, you can decompose the vector and then recompose, but leave the z as 0. See screenshot below.


Hi Andy,

Thank you!

Worked perfectly, I got rid of the 'evaluate surface' all together and used the normals output of the 'surface divide' (not pictured in screen shot) into the 'deconstruct vector'.

Here we have another try using "pDecon" & "Boundary Surfaces".


Thank you!

Your method worked as well as the one above, it was a good learning experience.






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