
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Folks,

Can someone please help me to make a definition that does this ?! I really need it for my Project! 

I have been trying to make it work but I couldn't find any solution for that.

Thank you 

Image done by: Pablo Miranda

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Something like this ?

Exactly !! I would highly appreciate it if you share the definition with me :)

Nice solution.

Thanks for sharing.

I'm trying to make the Definition work but I couldn't cuz I couldn't figure out what Expression you have used in the "Series", "ReMap" and "Line SDL", and also I couldn't find the Last component in the definition ...  could you please help me share the definition file?

Thank you in advance

Slightly optimized definition.

If it get used somewhere, please credit or thank me =)


Thank you so much I will definitely do that !!

I have one more question. If I want to change the pattern of the lines, what do I need to change in the definition ?  I mean instead of having Spiral Lines, If I want to make a pattern like the Image you first posted on this topic, what should I change ?! is there any specific expression for each pattern or what ? 

Thank you so much !!!

The first image is spiral only, showing a strong Moiré effect.

It depends on which pattern you want, this definition was designed for a single curve covering the image's domain (ie the spiral), it would need adaptations for different patterns.

For example with hexagons:

Would you please share the Definition for your first post in this topic as well ?

Thank you in advance I really appreciate it !!

I didn't keep track of different versions. What was better in the first version ?

In the First Picture you've posted, in the SMALL Top viewport Lines have different pattern than spiral ... Maybe that's because of the screen ... is that True or it is because of the Screen ?!

As I said before, it is a Moiré effect, a "screen" effect yeah.

The other top viewport is just a zoom, so the effect isnt visible.

True ! Thank you so much for your Help !! appreciate it






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