
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi guys , i ve scripted imge sample for my design but the result not working attached are the files , i do appreciate your time and help 

thank you 

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Are you still working on this?  And why you need "Image Sampler" for this?

I think you're thinking something special, but it's a mystery.

At least for me, the effect you want is what you can get with the definition I provided earlier.

And, you might want to upgrade GH you are using.


thank you Kim, 

yes I do since I couldn't get the result I am looking in 3d direction, that why I made the gradient pattern to use in image sample .  as i ve attached the black points are the tallest building around 90 meters and as the colors dimes the height lowers up to 2 meter

I manipulated the algorithm you provided i got closer to what i want but not the exact result 

attached you can see the revised algorithm 

thank you

Where in your posting do you have a detailed description of what you want?
If you keep posting it that way, there will not be many people who can make more or less exactly what you want.
You can adjust the specific figures yourself.
I think there is nothing more I can help you with.






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