
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi guy´s
i´m a rookie in Gh and i have some problems with the image sample definiton.
the aim is to get images of famous person of of little dots which throw shadows onto a wall-so the pitcure get a grey contrast an get more readalbe.
here a some result which i´m not happy with so far.

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mh yah i used two lights so there are some shadows but the background has to be grey shade otherwise the image looks like a negativ.

do you have some proposals what i could try to make it more dramatic?

Hi Henry

Actually I think the whole definition should be inverted. Initialy you wanted to create this image by dropping shadows but what you have is no volumes at dark areas.

Simply invert in Photoshop MM image (ctrl +I) and then run GH definition again. You should receive model that represent larger volumes in a darker areas which cast more shadows.


Hi Piotr

well i had the same thought. i inverted image and run the definition again. so the dots and the background could be white an the image of MM is just the result of shadows from the dots. 

but it isn´t recognizable like the other way. so i´m not really satisfied...still working on it.


The first definition does not even require cone-shaped volumes. Circles will also make it.

If you really want to experiment try to render it with highly transparent material that cast shadows or extract shadow channel from your rendered image. (Maxwell does it.)

PS. Or mabe whatewer you are  looking for is hard to achieve, but don't give up :-)


I don´t give up-no retreat, that´s not an option:-)

I´m using Vray so i have to push the contrast in PS. It looks not bad at all...very close to my idea.

The picture just exists out of the dotshadows. big thanks to you guys!!!

Switch the lights off an there will be just a 3d Dot surface(wall). That could be so sexy i think;-)






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