
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have just installed Grasshopper in Windows 8 running on a Macbook Pro Retina Display and the icons are extremely small, really tiny to the point of making the software very tiring to use. Is there any way to enlarge them? I have never encountered this problem--just switched to Mac--and I cannot find any sizing options.  Any help is appreciated!

Thank you.

Views: 8397

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Hi Sergio,

there are no sizing options. I'm afraid you're stuck with this.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Thank you for the response, David. That's a shame; is it possible to suggest this issue as something to be addressed in future versions?

Oh, David!
Icons are right on cue!

On my wishlist are vector icons for components. I mean, you often have to zoom a lot which will make the icons look horrible.

I know, this is like First World Problems, but the Cherry Picker shows: it is possible. Will it?


Try to reduce the screen resolution if you have a 13 inch you have 2560-by-1600

if you have a 15 inch you have 2560-by-1600,

1920x 1080 (13inch) should be fine or 1920 x 1200 (15inch) depends on wich model you have.

Thank you for the response, David. I will try this out!

Hello, I have the same problem...

any improvement in this question so far?

none so far. I have compromised my soul and set the resolution of my soul and set my QHD+ capable Dell M3800 to 1920 x 1080 becasue of the Rhino and GH issues

Even Windows 8 is not really capable of handling QHD+.. Windows 10 will be the first supporting such resolutions.


same solution, same feeling...

Same issue with me, seems to be fine for 32bit version of rhino, yes, I know this Doenst make sense but it's true

I just bought a new laptop with a 2160p screen. What I've done is to follow this:

This way I can keep the resolution in Windows to the native pixel size for software that support high DPI screens, and only Rhino 5 is scaled x2 looking exactly as in my previous 1080p laptop.

I'm not applying this fix to Rhino 6 as it does support high DPI (and maybe at some point I might want to look at a high res Grasshopper canvas despite the tiny toolbars and unaligned, cropped text).

Rhino 6 and Rhino 5 side by side in the same screen set at 2160p:






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