
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to make a grid on a surface. The surface is similar to the one on the second image, what I managed to make so far is what's on the first image. I just can't figure out how to keep the horizontality of the lines and at the same time only make the grid within the surface on the second image.

I need to be able to assign some geometry to each point, I'll probably end up using the orient component.

I also assigned my files so you can see how I did so far...

I attach a third image that shows a detail of how I want the tiled geometry to be cut at the edge.


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I really need some help with this! please!
Hi Emil!

Does this help?


Thanks a lot, this worked pretty good, but the surface I posted was just a test, and when I applied this to the real surface, for some reason it didn't really work any more...
But I figured it out by using a boolean solid intersection as David suggested, and now it works perfect! I think I tried this before, where it didn't work, but maybe the solid intersection has been fixed with the latest update og GH?

Thanks a lot for all your answers, it's greatly appriciated!
I am now stuck again :(

the project I am working on is a pretty big facade, and I'm ending up with more than 5000 objects in the grid... It is simply way too heavy for my computer! is it possible to uptimize my definition, so it gets less heavy but with the same result?

And it gets even worse when I try to import it to form-z as IGES, since it splits every solid into faces, and I end up with more that 20000 faces, it just makes form-z crash!

I'm not even sure if there is a solution to this...

It works ok when I just use boxex, but when I use orient it just gets a lot heavier!

I attach my files so you can see for your self how I did this (sorry it's a bit messy)

Thanks to all of you brilliant guys at this forum!
Hi Emil,

Do you need this to be parametric? I mean, to change some values and see the changes in "real time" or just to produce a result for a specific surface and project? I'm saying this because GH may not be the better approach.

Also why do you need to export to form Z?


I need to be able to create (try out different) patterns on the grid, by applying different textures or different shaped tiles. Since there will be more than 5000 tiles, I would prefer to make it parametric :)

I need to export to form-z becuase this is a part of a bigger project that is made in form-z. We are making a whole series of renderings, they are all rendered in form-z, so it is important that this can be rendered in the same way.

Maybe I'm putting myself on an impossible task here, but I really hope there is a way to get around this!
If you have other ideas of how to achieve this I am very open!

ps. I have to finish this within a week...
If anyone can help me with this I will be very thankful!
I have to finish this thing before thursday and I'm totally stuck :(
whenever i reach the limit of my computer you have to abandon viewing the file in real time or completely. what i always do is use sublist so if you have 5000 tiles then use sublist to get 100 of them and test out your different patterns. when you are happy with the pattern keep iterating through a sub list (0-100, 101-200, 301-300...) of panels and baking them each time. it is a little more time consuming but it gets the job doe
Hi Emil,

I meant to post this an hour ago and my computer crashed!!

I noticed your geometry is quite far form the world origin, as far as I understand this affects computer performance, so I moved the geometry to the origin.

have alook at the enclosed definition it allows you to select 2 different geometries and it creates a tilling as in your example. The downside is that it won't work for 5000 tiles as you said you need, unless you have masses of memory. For some reason the split solid did not work, perhaps because of the geometry I'm using, so I deleted the component.

If you need this for a render why don't you create and image of your patterns and just applied as a dsiplace map on your renders? even if you're able to tile the surface with the 5000 tiles, the export and rendering will be a hassle I would think!

I used GH 6.0059, the definition did not work on 7!

Anotehr option is it does the same.

I hope it helps.



I need to render tiles that pop out and it needs to be quite exact, do you think that can be done with a bumpmap? fx. a tile with a sphere in the middle that pops out 100mm?

I don't have GH 6 installed at the moment, but I know that David plans to release a new v7 today or tomorrow, so I'll wait and see if I can open your file it that new version!

if it is just tiles with spheres in the middle this can be done very easy as a displacement map, set the displacement amount to 100mm an render
That might be a better solution... Thanks a lot!






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