
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I need help with a problem desperately intersection of lines-necesito ayuda con un problema con intersección de lineas desesperadamente

I want to create a definition which is created from a grid of lines and points using cross references, try using the line-line component (for the lines intersect, individually but it becomes impossible to do, I need urgent help) any ideas.

quiero generar una definicion donde es una grilla creada a partir de lineas y puntos utilizando referencias cruzadas, intente usar el componente line-line    ( para intersectar a las lineas, de forma individual pero se vuelve imposible de realizar, necesito ayuda urgente ) alguna idea.

desde ya gracias 

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Hi Federico,

I'm not sure I can help right now, because I do not understand for sure what you are trying to do. Are you maybe looking for the Delaunay triangulation component?


- Giulio

what i need in principle is,  intersect all lines each other, and then to could selec each individual point of intercession. and with that information could establish a grid.

any help is appreciated

I have the definition here, it is not mine but I cannot remember where on here I got it.


thanks for the definition, but when you try to make the connection, there appeared some problems, I climb the definition by which I do, any possible solution or guidance is welcome.



I still don't get what you want maybe make a sketch or model the desired result in rhino to show us. Here is my best guess of your description. 


yeah, that is what I need, but when I put the definition in my gh gave me a buggy. I think I'm missing a component. really sorry for the inconvenience

download mesh utility and analysis plug in form uto

thanks, realy sorry te¿he inconvenice! 






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