
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I would love to see someone with skill build a grasshopper program for a simple box to be cut on the laser. I have attached a file of a sample. Ideally the grasshopper program would have sliders for the box size (height, width, and depth) and then another slider for thickness of material. If you open the file I've attached you'll see what I mean. It could possible even have a slider for size of finger joints.


This summer I'm doing a workshop where I'll be showing how to do this the hard way--one line at a time. When we're done I could then demo Grasshopper. I do not have the skill to even start designing this in Grasshopper myself. Any takers?

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I'll see what I can come up with.

always love to see tutorials!


thanks for the definition with the notes! very much appreciated!


This helpful old post...
I download this def, and I've done some minimal modifications to the original def for controlling the length of the finger joint, Thanks for sharing!


Muchas, muchas gracias !!!

hello guys,

i have this grasshopper file of voronoi cells and i'm working on its fabrication... i would like to join the cells bu finger-joints so i won't have to use screws\columns\ beams et cetera...

a project that uses the same technique:

i tried to understand what you did at the grasshopper file but it was really complex for me and i'm struggling to make it work and i would love for some guidance or help

thank you very much :)


Hey I'm wondering if you had any luck solving this problem?






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