
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi everyone, i have a question for all. İ have a surface and divided it to points , later I created some circles from those points and extruded them.

1- How can i have the circles located perpedicular to the point not just extruding in z direction.

2- how can i operate  some points  without using item.

thank you...

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you mean selecting the center point, create a vector normal to the surface in that points, and use that vector as extrusion direction?
what means to operate some points...?

any file we can have a look at? or picture of what you have/want?
chris was right...i was doing it anyway
i guess you have the newe version of gs is it possible to save it as a common format for older gs version users.

thank you
its just the same file than chris, so don't worry, remake it in a few will do fine
i uploaded a diagram but instead of circles i draw rectangles. first image what it happens, second one is my aim
This may help with your first question. You need the normal of the points. If you use a CNR (circle-normal-radius) component you can take the normal (N) from your divide surface component and plug it into the normal (N) of the CNR component.

As far as your second question, do you know how you would like to select "some points"? As in, is there some type of criteria, (elevation, proximity to some other geometry, etc...) that would determine which points to select?

Conversely, you could always control the extrusion length, (in the simple example above, it would be the "amplitude" value"), for each extruded shape.
thanks for help it should help me out.
sorry for these kind of questions, just a beginner. And what if i had a aquare or polygon istead of circle. then what else could i have used instead of N (normal)?

In that case, you could use an "Orient" Component. It is generally used to re-orient geometry from one "direction" to another.
(Xform->Affine->Orient Direction).

G= geometry, (in this example, a hexagon)
pA= reference point, (here it is the same as the surface division points)
dA= reference direction, (can leave default)
pB= Target Point, (in this example, you don't want to "move", just re-align with the surface so the Target point is the same as the reference point)
dB= Target Direction, (which is the Normal of your points).

Hope this helps a bit.
There are generally a few different ways to do things. This is just one example.
thank you for your interest and attention Chris:)






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