
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

We have created a new group called Hummingbird.  Hummingbird is a set of Grasshopper components that facilitate the creation of Revit native geometry. This process utilizes a simplied pseudo-language in Excel to describe many properties of the Revit BIM geometry. Translating Rhino primative geometry to Revit has been vastly simplified without the need for linking or reference objects. This allows for the downstream Revit model to be modified and adapted for the project duration.


Supported Revit Objects:

  • Beams
  • Floors
  • Adaptive Components
  • Points
  • Model Curves by Points
  • Loft Surfaces

We are in the process of adding these other objects and will update the component set soon:

  • Walls
  • Columns
  • Model Lines
  • Detail Lines

Views: 1421

Replies to This Discussion

Who is "We" ? ;)

My colleague Mario Guttman and myself, Tim Meador.

Hi Tim, i have been testing your software, and i must say it has great potentials.... 

but for professionals that wants to use it in real life project, we need to have the metric units working. 

Are you planning to do something about this in the next version?



on the download page there is a help doc, anything specific i can explain?

I will test the Hummingbird later.

any examples to share? :)






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