
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to use PointList, Text Tag 3D with Isocurves? + why GH has such trouble with trimmed surfs?

Hello all,.

i'm using Point List and Tex Tag 3D components to label Isocurve UV's with their corresponding index numbers.
Both components work error free if Contours are used, and simularly when Isocurves are used with Evaluate Curve and Length(of curve) components.(see "1-RGH_labelcurve" section in uploaded def. "" All data internalized)

But when Isocurves baked or not are used with Endpoints and Series components, then the 10's and 100's digits of the Tag\Points labels appear overwritten(overlaid) by multiple numbers.(see "Displaying Curve Index" section in uploaded def. and "Point List Tex Tag 3D digit overwrite errors.jpg")
I also tried 1) matching the format ouput by Length(of curve) in the working "" def. section, and 2) flatten the Tag's Location parameter, but the same error occurred.

So, i familiar please let me know,.
A) to use Isocurves with Point List and Tex Tag 3D components without digit overwritting errors?

any suggestions greatly appreciated,

B) why does GH have such difficulty working with Trimmed surfaces?, IE: trimmed surf's must be Untrimmed then Copy trimmed before blending and\or use with SrfGrid and many other components etc.

thanks again,

Views: 351


Replies to This Discussion

..for anyone interested, the answer to A) apparent "..Tag/Pointlist..digit overwriting errors?.." is:

Cull Duplicates or Remove Duplicates(Kangaroo), due to duplicate points coincident with curve endpoints,







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