
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I'm struggling with a personal project of mine which consists in creating a script which will trim an orthogonal structural grid to fit any given building volume (see images attached).

At this point, I have all my columns and beams represented by simple lines and a building volume as a brep. 

I've experimented with many intersection components but without success...I must be missing something since surely this can't be too difficult? 

Thanks in advance for any tips regarding how to tackle the issue!


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You'll get a better answer if you post a model - GH and/or Rhino.

Thanks for the link, I'll take a look.
Here are the GH and Rhino files as requested :)


Check attachment.


In case anyone else doesn't have Kangaroo, you can see Hyungsoo Kim's solution by making this connection:

By the way, is there any reason for using the 'Mirror' components instead of just making the 'RecGrid' bigger??

I only mirrored things because I initially wanted the grid to be centered on the origin; this is probably redundant at this stage!

I mention it because 'Mirror' can create complications in data trees, point/line sequences, curve and surface UV directions, etc.

Ok, thank you for pointing that out! ;)

Ah! Thank you very much Hyungsoo Kim, I thought I was in the right ball was just a matter of finding the right component! 

However, now I see that the trimmed columns and beams are "grouped together" rather than being separated by level; is there a way I can get them back to being seperated this way via graft/flatten or something? Apologies if this seems easy, I'm still trying to understand how data trees work...

If you'd like to preserve the input data tree structure, then just don't "Flatten" Trim with Brep's curve input and use "Shift Paths".







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