
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How To Stop Warning Mesage When Expiring Object or Downstream Objects

I want to force gh to expire a component and restart a solution in certian circumstances and recacalculate the recently expired compnent. Whenever I do this, GH will keep displaying a warning message saying object expired, naturally the user has to click the check box to stop this errror from being displayed. This is very annoying. How do I disable this warning message so that the solutuon is not interrupted? I have used the clearruntimemessages method on the component class and that does not work. Also the expiredwonstreamobjects method has teh same issue,





Views: 623

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Steve,

sorry it took so long to respond to this. Is this still an issue? How are you expiring an object and how are you starting a new solution?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

hey david, sorry I too took so long to repsond to this. 

Havent had a chance to get back to it. Maybe this labor day week end i will.

Recession is fun isn't it?






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