
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi everyone!

i spent the last few days (and nights :/) trying to sort some stupid, REALLY stubborn points...

well, i got a spiral tower with variing floor heights:

i got those by applying two "divlenght" (4m and 8m distance) to one vertical curve, then "randomreduce" some of them to get a less dense pattern and put a plane on each point.

the big question now is, how to sort that points from top to bottom (or b-t)!

i tried every operation i could think of: merge, weave, pick&choose, sort by decomposed z-value, by distance from an attractor point, sort by key, sort by euclidean coordinates and so on....

however, if i want to list one item, GH keeps shifting between the initial 4m/8m division, like

pt1 of 4m_division

pt2 of 4m_division

pt3 of 4m_division

pt1 of 8m_division

pt4 of 4m_division

pt2 of 8m_division

and so on....

i also tried to generate this kinda random-but-still-patterned division in a couple of other ways but it either turned out even stranger or just plain ugly....

i really hope someone has an idea how to do that trick



view of floor heights/

uneven distances & distribution

connecting the points horizontally works fine, as long as i don't try to combine both heights

my try at generating a variing distribution of points on a line

Views: 7806

Replies to This Discussion

Hi mara,

I don't know if I understand your question correctly. The problem that you encountered is that after you merge the two different lists of points you should flatten them and then sort their z values, so that you can have a list that does not shift between those two lists. I have attached a gh definition, you may have a look of it.



hey kenneth,

thanks for the definition; it works!

i always used the graft/flatten options in the input and output slots to avoid even more buttons on my already messy screen :)

always thought, both ways worked the same...well learned something







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