
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to select dupicate points more than what I defined.

Hello, now I am trying to select duplicate points only more than 2 . In the picture below, there are many lines, which have start and end points. Therefore, meeting point of lines has duplicate points, normally 2 duplicate points. I know hot to select duplicate points, but I am really struggling for selecting duplicate points more than 3 or more in a position, no all duplicate points. Is there way to select that by using cull function?

Thank you.

Views: 587

Replies to This Discussion

Try This.. Hopefully I have understood the question the right way around.


Thank you Matt!

I realise the question has been answered in many different ways over night but though it would do no hard to do a quick edit of my code and post it so it can be used to select only points with a select number of duplicates


Or this...


 Angel! Thank you very much indeed! I am happy now!That is exactly what I have looked for.


Try point groups as well. 


Thank you for useful information! Michael! I have seen what you have replied so far!

I look forward to it!






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