
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I am working on a mesh topology, where for each face some commands are being executed on its boundary depending on the angle to the adjecent faces.

The outcome is a bunch of geometry neatly packed into one branch per face and that's exactly how I need them. Now the problem is, there are faces that actually belong together and should be handled as one single face, as they are coplanar and are only divided into multiple faces because the overall vertice count is more than 4 (see picture).

In other words, I want to merge branches together. Let's assume I know that branch {4}, {5} and {6} actually belong into one branch, how should I proceed?

Additionally, I only know PAIRS of faces that belong together (I know the edge-face connectivity and check angles between adjecent faces), so I only have data that says that branch {4} and {5} belong together, and {4} and {6}. Which makes it even worse.

And if you're wondering why I'm not using nurbs surfaces, its because of the topology commands (specifically which faces connect with which on which edge).



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you can merge branches with entwine, also look at the merge component as well as weave.

Hi Michael, that doesn't really work as I am talking about one single tree where two or three different paths need to be merged.

You can see the data structure in the attached picture. In this example, branches {4}, {5} and {6} need to be merged into one branch, which would then contain six polylines.


so explode tree, list branch, or any other means of extracting branches (there are many) and then merge those branches.

Is there any easier way to intercalate the branches of two trees (with the same amount of branches)?. I have 2 trees with 53 branches each, so its kind of inefficient to do this manually.






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