
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Who can help me with my quest, i'm trying to make a patern of a surface

this is a surface made from points /curves

these forms ( seats) are scans of a ( disabled) person, who's depending on a perfect fit in his / her wheelchair

i am including a 3Dm, I've made a patern in Rhino whith the function "flatten" but ther's no "flatten " function in Grasshopper

i hope there's anyone who can help me create the same in  a useful "grasshopper"

Hopefuly is there a sullution to my quest

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Install "TT-Toolbox" plug-in. You can download it from here.

And get this as well.


thx for all your help!....i've learned new tricks...

but i'me still not getting the flattend surfaces......on the upper "preview" faild the input of a geomitry....... i've tried to use the same as the lower preview but had no result

can you tell me what input i should use?....

( tt-toolbox succesfully downloaded)

how did you learn GH ? , i looking for a learning school of corse so i can learn more

other Question: have you ever heard of triing to make a surface like i've shouwed you from a scan ( stl of PLY)

i've made a GH what projects lines onto the scan horizontaly and verical

these project line's "rebuild" in Rhino and then make a surface in Rhino with "curve network"

but it isn't ideal to work with in a cadcam program....

maybe you've heard of somthing like it ?


I have no idea regarding your facing trouble.

Maybe due to your invalid input or improper use of GH or something else.

Read and learn some instructions of GH first. Best.

im, sorry to aks you aggain but if you look at the file there should be something added

or a line going into "g"........the mesage say's no geometry input

Please make sure you've installed tt-toolbox.

Do you able to see the component "Unfold" on the GH canvas like attached image?

If not, then you just have downloaded the plug-in and didn't install yet.

succes !!...thank you for your patiens......






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