I have been generating a grid of points from a fibonacci sequence.
I couldn't manage to get 4 pts out of it to place a surface.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot for that.. I had done something similar as to what u have done, in ur project the cell size change, in my project the rib size change according to the sequence.. I am stuck realtime..Do u want me to send the Rhino File and the Model Images, if u can give me a simplier idea to proceed..
Not sure if it is same for you, but when I download Grasshopper definitions from this site, it saves to my machine as an XML file. I have to go back and change the file extension to .ghx to make it open.
Permalink Reply by taz on December 22, 2009 at 2:41pm
I think it depends on how you generate your "generic" points. Here would be a tree example from a subdivided surface:
My question that resulted from Tushars question was if you have any arbitrary grid of points and want create cells from them. Here's my version, but I'm wondering if anyone has a superclean version that uses like 3 components instead of 15.