I was hoping to make a Grasshopper routine to create curves just like the video shows. Meaning, without first making a surface and then building curves off of it.
Permalink Reply by taz on February 10, 2010 at 11:03am
If you want to array a set of template curves for pattern making to fill a bounding area, then yes it would be possible.
wow that video made me feel like a was wasting my time with grasshopper for a few seconds!!
it looks sweet though and really fast
Permalink Reply by taz on February 11, 2010 at 9:01am
Maybe someone should try to link GH and RhinoCAM...
Creating toolpaths templates with GH would be pretty straightforward, but simulating the final milled surface product with various bit types would require something else.
I use Rhinocam and it's great. You can simulate different bits very quickly. I just hope to make a GH that can parametrically create the lines to then use with Rhinocam.
my other big wish for Rhino is to have a Voxel based modeling plugin, like RhinoArt, but much faster and more powerful (I like Mecsoft, but that plugin is lacking).
I had a little luck yesterday by creating a flat surface, dividing it, extracing the points and then moving them in the Z random distances, and recreating a surface from the new points. Then projecting an array of lines at an angle to the surface.. this gave OK randomized curves which produce random texture when using a large cnc ball cutter.
I would still love to make a definition that has better controls, with wave pattern, repeating patterns, etc.
Permalink Reply by taz on February 11, 2010 at 9:46am
You should check out the GH [Image Sampler] and also Andrew Heumanns surface deformer.
Recreating RhinoArt functionality in GH should be readily possible.
i am using rhinocam too and experimented with the post-processor/g-code creation out of GH (as others did).
concering rhinocam:
is there a way to feed rhinocam with 3d curves that i missed? since engraving is 2,5-axis, it will not support 3d curves. since 3-axis operations required srfs, they will not accept 3d-crvs either...
concerning PP in GH:
ok, i can make GH output g-code, but...
- i will have to make sure this g-code is as safe as the code from my known cam-system.
- i can't run a rhinocam simulation on that code, i had code up a (cutting not movement) simulation myself.
pls find attached my g-code creation definition featuring:
- support of 3d crvs
- variable segment length
- creation of positioning movements between open crvs (with parametric clearence)
- simple tool creation (v-mill)
- tool movement simulation
- variable feed rate
- positioning movements can be set to use transfer speed (G0)
- find lowest z position in the g-code
- g-code can be streamed into textfile via panel (dark grey)
Permalink Reply by taz on February 16, 2010 at 10:27am
Hey Frank,
In response to your question...
Others can correct me if I'm wrong (I currently don't have RhinoCAM installed...) but I think that even though engraving is located in the 2.5-axis menu it works with 3D curves. I know I've done this in the past.
wow, surprise!
i guess i can learn more on rhinocam here than on the rcam forum ;-)
i took the definition of 2.5axis operation too literally (allowing for either x+y OR z to move simultaniously).
i did ask on the mecsoft forum to implement "referencing features (crvs) by layer". this way you could gh-bake to a layer and have everything on that layer automatically assigned to a milling operation. there has been no response yet. http://www.mecsoft.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=1871