
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how to deforem a geometey but do not change the location of all the vertexs


for example,there is a box, we need to stretch every surface of the box towards the center point of the box.But at the same time,the loaction of 8 vertexs of the box donot change.How to make it by Gh.What if the geometry is a irregular geometry.

Views: 495

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Wenyu,

it depends on what sort of geometry the box is made of. Is it a mesh? Is it a Brep? Are the faces defined as Edge Surfaces from the 4 edges?


David Rutten

actully, i get these geometry from voronio,you could make it into brep or mesh or whatever you want

i cannot download it at all.

Because there is no download, it is for re creation. You will earn better that way ;)

Mesh Analysis and Utility   i mean i cannot download this

they have to approve you I think. Just give it a few. 

how to approve.they didnt ask me to fill any form.can you send one to me if you have one now?this is my email adress -







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