
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I need to create a mesh from a closed edge curve, using Delaunay Mesh, but some faces created are outside the closed curve. 

So I would like to cut the mesh created using the edgde curve, to trim the outside faces.

Is it possible ?

Views: 2907

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This is pretty rough but should get you there.

Just cull all the mesh faces, that are outside your region. "Outside" determined by position of the face centroid.


Thank you Hannes !

This is exactly what I was looking for.

One more question :

To create my mesh, I start from an edgce curve, which I divide into segments (like in you example). Then I create the surface from the edge curve, and I populate it with points. Then I use Delaunay meshing tool. My problem is that the points distribution is not regular on the edges, because the distance between populated points and curve points is often very small, which is quite logical because the process is independant (see attached image). Since I want a regular mesh, is there a tool to merge points wich distance is within a certain tolerance (in my case, I want to keep points which belong to the edge curve, and delete populated points which are too close to them) ?


Forget it, I found the solution : Cull Duplicates, with "Leave One" option.






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