algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hello I have recently came across the "Entry Paradise Pavilion" in Germany and was wondering whether someone could point me in good direction on how to model it using grasshopper? I would like to be able to move centerpoints of the nodes as well as their thickness and length.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
I think what we are talking about doing here though is a bit different from what they do, because we are not starting with a pre-designed surface and subdividing it while preserving its form as closely as possible, but instead using the combination of constraints and relaxation to design it 'live' in a sort of collaboration with the computer.
Do you think such automatization is possible?Well those D-strip look amazing , but even breaking normal mesh into nice peaces would be great.In my case I use the oddly named but still great software PEPAKURA DESIGNER 3 specialized in exploding and manually adjustig mesh and making flat patterns with flaps,edgeID and fold lines it would be great if such operations were possible with grasshopper..
what do you think?
Thank you Daniel and Ivan for your reply and very nice precedents.
First of all I should have mentioned that I want to use the fabric structure to fill with concrete. I have done a few test with Jersey cotton fabric (from John Lewis) which when tensioned quite hard does pretty good job. (see my group results in attached file)
The components I have done so far were extruded from tetrahedron in Maya then smoothed and exported to Rhino which gave a very neat mesh that could be neatly divided into strips (see attached photograph) and stitched.
I have tried then stacking this component with thicker, thinner and different lengths of the legs components to create some kind of enclosure which I want to build 1:1 scale. I find the grasshopper script much nicer to do the arrangement but then again my question is: Is there any way to change the resolution of the mesh which comes out of it so that it I can brake it down into strips like I have done before? Or perhaps it is better to start with lines that make the general structure of my arrangement and on the centerpoints of the joints of the lines I make tetrahedrons which I can extrude and then somehow smooth out? Would it be possible to build something like that in grasshopper?
Thanks again for help and any comments are really appreciated.
If you want to see some more photos of the fabric formwork results with concrete I made so far please go to:my flckr - fabric formwork
Yes, in this case, you are perhaps better off starting with a tetrahedron with faces extruded as your base unit to subdivide.
Actually, you could subdivide once, so you have 6 vertices per edge, then join them together and distort and scale them into the shape you want before relaxing. This way there is also a natural division into strips.
For now splitting into strips is not completely automated, but using Rhino's ExtractConnectedMeshFaces and adjusting the angle it's not too hard.
Unrolling the strips gives identical areas (to 8 significant figures).
Ah yes, it makes sense that the ordering of the faces in WeaverBird output would be related to the original Mesh.
For unrolling once you have a strip of single quad width you can use MeshToNURB then Unroll Developable Srf.
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