
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to create a surface from isocurves (some of which are coplanar)?

I have a 3d mesh, which I want to transform into a surface.

Since there are no good solutions to that (or at least, none I could find on the web), I cut the mesh with several planes, hoping to loft the resulting polylines after.

Since some polylines are coplanar, loft doesn't work, neither do network surface.

Any idea?

Views: 2731


Replies to This Discussion

The only command in Rhino which may (but probably won't) help you is Patch.

An alternative approach would be to inflate a nurbs sphere inside the mesh and keep the control-points constrained.


David Rutten

Thank you david!

I've already tried Patch but, as you said, it doesn't work.

I thought to inflate something from the inside too, but I wasn't that sure. If you say it could work, I'll definitely give it a try!

I've done something like this using the MeshFromPoints command in Rhino (it doesn't seem to work with the GH version I tried) I'd created some contour curves from the metaballs tools and divided the curves. I used these points as an input for the mesh from points...

Its a bit hit and miss and you have to play around with how many points to divide the curves and maybe patch up some holes but if you don't need to be too accurate it can end up ok with some Weaverbird smoothing!






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