
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How To Create a Parametric Curve Pattern Like This


Hello everyone, I'm looking for a way to create a parametric curve pattern similar to this one:

So far I've been using the Graph Mapper with a Sine Graph, but I think a much more complex function is needed to achieve this effect. So far this is what I've been getting:

My definition looks something like this:

Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks!

Views: 3895


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Luis, Try this def, its a little dirty, but it should work.

Good luck!


Hi Arie, 

Thanks for sharing this educational definition as well as your think parametric tutorial. Both have been immensely helpful. If you have a minute, can you explain the path mapper operation you are employing here? 

It is {A,B}(i) --> {A,i}(B) which I believe is flipping the item with the second branch. Even so, I am confused how the data structure goes from 10 branches with 30 items to 150 branches with two items as a result of this first lexical operation while the second operation seems to trim the number of items while adding five more branches. 

Thank you in advance and I much appreciate your insight!


Although not as exciting as Arie's in that the component count is abysmally low, this is another possibility.



very elegant

Thanks! I'll check it out!

I cleared up my confusion after watching David Rutten's path mapper tutorial in this link:

He describes the masking you employed which seems to be a more complex 'flip matrix'. 

Hi Erik!

Thanks for your comment I'm glad you like our tutorials! Keep an eye on our website we're about to release some more interesting tutorials soon.

That tutorial is an excellent description of how the path mapper and lexical operations work.

Also check out this link with a great description from Sameer:

In my example I use the pathmapper to perform a more elaborate 'flip' operation. I have 5 sets of curves; 30 curves per set; and finally 30 control points per curve. Now what I want to do is to 'flip' the data organisation of the curves and the control points, but keep them organized per set. So {A;B}(i), A stands for the 5 sets, stands for the 30 curves and for the control points. So {A;i}(B), flips the organisation but keeps them organised per set as the A is untouched. I hope this makes a little bit of sense =) 

Good luck!

Hey Arie,

Thank you for your reply and detailed explanation. I am understanding now how you used the path mapper to flip the tree. I will definitely keep a lookout on the website as it has helped me immensely already. I appreciate the resources you have shared as I am working on bettering my understanding of lexical operations.

Thank you again for your explanation and sharing the definition!

That is very neat! Thanks for sharing your thought!





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