
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to check surface/brep for "holes" and extract vertices from the inner loops??

Hi all,

I am trying to evaluate a surface in order to check if it has any trims inside (inner loops) and if so to extract the vertices of this/these inner loop(s). So far no matter how I create a surface in Rhino the component only recognizes the outer 4 trims of the surface and nothing more so I cannot go into the if statement that is following. what do I miss? Any ideas?? 



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Your input need to be a "Brep".

If you input a surface, then you are only get the underlying surface (not trimmed) of your brep.

Hi Rajaa! Thank you for your reply! Even with a Brep it does not work and when I create a surface from two planar curves again I get only one outer loop with four trims. It doesn't recognize the inner loop no matter what I tried. I even created a component that "shrinks" the trimmed surfaces and actually gets rid of the "Trimmed" information that a surface has and still nothing. Can you tell me if the approach in the code is right or if I miss something that I can't figure out? sorry but they are all a bit new for me and I may miss something minor that I don't understand.. 

This code seems to work fine in my computer to detect the inner loops, see if it works in yours:

    List<Curve> crv = new List<Curve>();
    foreach(BrepLoop loop in x.Loops)
      if (loop.LoopType == BrepLoopType.Inner)
    A = crv;

(the x input should be a brep)

Vincente thanks! It works great, obviously I did not need edges but curves to work with! 

thanks for the help! 






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