
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to check if a surface can be milled by 3-axis milling machine?

It is not hard to see that some part of this surface cannot be reached by the 3-axis milling machine. How to check this with rhinocommon?

It would be quite brute force to check the surface with a vertical line intersecting the whole surface. Is there algorithm to achieve this?

Thank you.


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In case anyone's still interested, I was able to generate a closed curve boundary for the undercut but can't cleanly add the shadowed area:

It's easy to get the points of the shadowed area but I'm having a lot of trouble creating a single closed curve that encompasses both the undercut points and the shadow points.

I haven't looked into the documentation for the method/syntax yet.  Is possible to run a DraftAngleAnalysis on the mesh?






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