From you image and info i am guessing that what you need to do to orientate all geomery at the Pts on the Kinked crv to the Circles is use a Plane Normal Component (Vector>Plane>Plane Normal) Plug the points that the current geometery are at present in to the O input and for the Z input plug in the vector that set the direction of the original circle moves. then use the planes created by this component as the target planes for the current Orient Component.
If you Direction Vector is being given a series or numbers it seems on my version that it does not give you all the planes, the way i fixed this is disconnect the input series of the direction vector leaving it plugged into the Z of the Plane Normal component and then Pluged the series into the A on an Amplitude vector Component (Vector>Vector>Amplitude then pluged the Amp component into the T on the Move Component.
Hope this helps...
If it does not work up load the code and i will have another look.
Saw the post earlier with the linked file which i have downloaded at the time but it has now been delete it seems, do you still need me to look at your code or have you fixed the problem.
I think i have answered the question in your code and i have Grouped it so you can see what i have done. Its a little different to what i explained as the way you have written your code is rather different than how i would do it.
Dear Matt hi,
that's a stupid question but I made save target as the file and it was saved as xml.If i opened the file there is a list, why?is there another way to open the file?
If i remember right as use Firefox now, when saving the file as target just type .ghx after the file name when asked what to save as leavin the file type as xml and press save and it will become a ghx file.
wow!Matt thank you very much!I'm get impressed!:)you are very helpful!i was spending my hours trying to make this.Thank you!I'll be very happy if I could help you any time!:)have a nice night!