
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how does the Boundary Surfaces component choose the UV directions?

Hi all (and especially to David Rutten, considering the question...)

I want to be able to control the UV direction of the surface that Boundary Surfaces generates but i can't really grasp the logic behind it. Can anyone clarify this for me?

Extra question: Is there a way to rotate the UV direction of a surface?

Thanks a lot !

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I do not know how the UV directions are computed for the Boundary component (or the PlanarSrf command, which uses the same algorithm).

Rotating UV directions through arbitrary angles means growing the surface and retrimming. It should be possible geometrically though there are no methods for doing it. In fact it sounds as though creating an oriented plane surface and then trimming it yourself would be the easiest way to achieve this.


David Rutten

Yeah, that's actually what i did in the end. Thanks for answering, David!

PS: i did some more tests just now and

THE ANSWER IS: the longest straight segment dictates the orientation of the UV domain.






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