
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, I'm a Grasshopper beginner, I would like to know how to apply weights to Bezier span, I tried using Control Point to get the weights of the Bezier span I drew, I got a list of 4 weights with value of 1, how do I control these four weights I got?


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Bezier curves don't support weights, you'll have to use Nurbs curves. Although it is possible to convert a Bezier curve to a Nurbs curve, you may as well just make it Nurbs directly:


David Rutten


Thanks David, Is this the right way to convert the Bezir curve to interpolate curve? I attached the definition below.


I have a question about the weight you applied to this curve, I thought the biggest value you can apply to a weight is 1, with the weight set to 1 curve will be close to the control point, as value decreases the curve gets pulled away of the control point. So, how come in your def. you set weight values bigger than one ?

There is no limit to the weight value you can assign to a control-point. Technically even negative numbers are allowed, although Rhino rarely allows you to do that using regular commands.

Furthermore, weights are purely relative factors. If you set the weight of all control-points to 1.0 (the default), the curve looks a certain way. If you then change all the weights to 5.0, the curve will look exactly the same.


David Rutten






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