
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, how can i create a ramp? i have a 2d draw of spline, so, i think, i can divide curve in points, than, i can move every single point a little more up, so now i have this ten point on the space 3d, but now i dont know what can i do?! :(

and an other question, there something methods to higt this point not every of this, but in series? 

Thanks a lot! :)

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Hi Lorenzo,

when you say 'ramp' what exactly are you after? Just a single curve that increases its height, or do you need a surface?

If you divide a curve, then move the division points upwards and finally interpolate those points you may get close, but do note that the new curve will look different from above because you are essentially rebuilding it. 

Do you need the shape in XY to remain exactly the same? Do you need the slope to be constant?

Yes, I need to create an architectural ramp with your surface and than an handrail, the slope should be constant.

So, i dont know i can do this :(

small calculations at te beginning can help

define length depending on height and slope

ten define accordingly amount of typical step for heading up

ten finally made height change with steps 


change only height, slope and radius sliders 


when u change the radius for the same height 

all cases its 10% 

ei, thanks, but my ramp is not an elicoid, how you can see at the first image. 


same idea, just draw reference shape first to use it as a track 

ok sorry for this stupid question, tomorrow i try to do this! 

Thanks  a lot! and sorry for my english :)

easier ... to orient points to your square like curve, use closest point .... or evaluate curve ... just before geometries ... 

and many other options 

Ok ,thanks i use interpolate curve, and than i obtain my ramp :D 

I've only two problems :( 

1) I want create a repeatable ramp, but there are two problems, first, the start point i want that its final point too but the series use point until the last, but i want that the last point is the firts point (i Try to add final point with list item but how you can see from the image doesn't work). 

2) Furthermore i dont understand how can i place in P (period), to repeat ramp after a certain period. 

Thanks a lot :)

and last

u can make a point last ... otherwise you will lost slope ...






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