
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How can I trim contoured curves with Brep geometries generated on them?

Hi everyone,

I am a beginner of grasshopper. I might be asking a silly question, but I need your help.
I want to divide contoured curves into some equal length segments with a specific amount of gap in between.

See the attached image.To make it, I contoured a hollow cylinder and trimmed the curves with some spheres which I generated on the contoured curves. But, when I baked the output of Trim”Ci”, some of split curves which I require didn’t show up. See the red arrows at the bottom right. This is what I mean.

What Should I do? Give me a clue please.

Thanks a lot.


Views: 979


Replies to This Discussion

Its because you lists dont match, hence the null items, you have 3 branches in the circle list each with 2 items, but in the sphere list you have 6 branches each with 2 items. By grafting input c of trim (right click, graft) it makes the list now 6 branches each with one item, now it works. Also you dont need to use orient or xy, just plug p of divide into b of sphere. 


Hi Michael,

Sorry for the late reply. I am totally clear now. Thanks for your kind explanation!!






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