
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How can I save the dataTree(order) in back and forth process?



Could I have a idea about keeping or saving 'data tree list' of geometries through the 'back and forth process'?


Let's say, First I divide surface and have points on surface with datatree structure.


Then, I baked points, and moved some points in rhino manually.


After that, I want to bring in these points with previous datatree structure in GH.


Just wondering, how I can derive the points ID from GH before baking?


Thanks for your help.

Views: 251

Replies to This Discussion

Hi YJ,


two approaches:


1) put additional data on the points when you bake, either as an object name or as UserStrings. Then when you read the points back in, parse this data and use it to reconstruct your data tree.


2) maintain a database of GUIDs. Basically, you create a DataTree of Ids and you make sure that every point that is baked has its ID stored in this tree. Then you can match it against point objects in Rhino at a later stage.


The first is probably easier to program.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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