
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I would like to set the value of a number slider, directly via the grasshopper script components (C# or VB),  so that the new slider value can be used in any component that uses that value as an input.

In other words, does anybody know a way to manipulate sliders via scripting?

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I don't know if you have seen this thread or not. I know it's a bit old, and things are in flux with the SDKs. It may be worth asking again.
Thanks Shawn,

It seems to be exactly what I wanted!
Bad idea. When you change a slider position during a solution (which is always the case if you're doing it from within a Script component) then it will wipe out half the completed solution.

You should only change the state of a network after a solution completes and before the next one begins. I.e. you can do it from a dialog box, or via some sort of event handler, but not from within RunScript() or SolveInstance().

David Rutten
Seattle, WA






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