
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey, just stumbled upon this section.

We're currently preparing for the 3rd Parametric Design Workshop Leipzig. There are two seminars running right now to introduce our students to the basics of Rhino, Grasshopper and KARAMBA.

Just as Grasshopper, our concept* of teaching it is ever evolving and we are eager to learn. We are preparing a series of tutorials based the seminars. This section looks like the perfect chance to share our experience, get some feedback and improve. I'll try and invite as many of our students as possible to post their feedback on the seminars.

Of course, you all are invited to share your views on our approach, too.

*) Concept, schedule and task design are by Professors Alexander Stahr(KARAMBA) and Henning Rambow (Rhino/Grasshopper)

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First Session KARAMBA:

Task: Compare the simulation of a simple truss to "analog" calculation.

Additional task: Experiment with support conditions. Create a cantilever.


Second Session KARAMBA:

Task A: Create and analyze a simple frame. Knot koordinates are given in sketch/3dm file.

Additional task: Make the the frame parametric (width, eves height, roof angle). Modify beam connection at roof ridge from welded to bolted.


Second Session KARAMBA (advanced):

Task B: Create and analyze a truss structure


Hannes Really interesting this kind of approach to the research and development of teaching  in RH + GH + Karamba

I agree. Very nice approach.
Just one question Hannes:

Those "welded and bolted" connections you mentioned, are rigid and pinned ones?

Hello Djordje, yes, you are right! Your wording is the more "mechanical" way of describing. But for (our) students and I think a lot of students far from Leipzig too ;-)  it is easier to understand as "welded and bolted" because it is more or less figuratively spoken.

Thank you for the reply, and sorry for disturbance.

btw, your workshop in Leipzig, is mostly attended by architectural students?

Yes it is. Basicly the workshop ist targeted to students and young professionals. Due to the "architectural-students-question": We are very much interested in young engineers and engineering students which are open in mind to this very interesting topic! (By the way, for the last workshop we had a young machine builder from AUDI Ingolstadt and a jewellery-designer which uses RHINO and GH for his extraordinary rings ...

Understood, and thank you for the reply once again.
I hope I could attend it some day.






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