
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


The following reads when hovering over the heating input setEPZoneSchedule

A text string representing the heating setpoint shceudle that you want to use.  This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component.  If this is a custon schedule, the values in it should be Watts and the "units_" or "_schedTypeLimits_" input should be "Temperature."

When I created schedules last time I remember that I input a list of temperature values right? Not watts.

lightingScheduless_: A text string representing the lighting shceudle that you want to use.  This can be either a shcedule from the "Honeybee_Call from EP Schedule Library" component, a schedule from the "Honeybee_Annual Schedule" component, or a CSV schedule from the "Honeybee_Create CSV Schedule" component.

I suspect that the extra "s" in lightingschedules is the reason I dont get any floating text here at all.

Thanks for all the good work!

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Thank you for finding the typo.  I have just fixed it here:


Thanks. Time for me to start fixing monkeywork like this in github myself, because it is silly having you do it. *working up the courage to write code*

Hi Ludvig, That's how all of us get started. If you find another similar bug just go ahead and fix it and send a pull request on github!





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