
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Honeycomb structure on top of surface - help needed


I was tying to apply the honeycomb pattern on a given surface in Rhino. I have piped and baked it and the result is the following. The thing is the honeycomb structure blends with my surface when it gets perpendicular with the ground. how can I bring the honeycomb geometry on top of the surface? I used move before dividing the surface but I could not get it to work.

Any kind of response is well appreciated!

Thank you!


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Rebuilt surface.

Hi Erick,
Thank you for the solution, I wanted to know the answer to.
Is that a Lunchbox component ("RebSrf" ?)

What exactly does it do? Can grasshopper's regular "Loft" component and it's option "Rebuild" be used in the same way, or not?

Thank you.

Hi djordje, yes it's from Lunchbox, and do the same as rhino's rebuild, in this case the input is a deformed surface abruptly, so you can compare if rebuild is the most appropriate or not.

Thank you for the reply Eric.

If regular Grasshopper's 'Rebuild' option at "Loft" component, and this "Rebuild surface" from Lunchbox component, are doing exactly the same thing, then it looks like the last one is better - as it can be used on any surface, while the "Loft-rebuild" one, can be used only when we are creating surface from curves?

or just use the "rebuild" command in rhino with "retrim" checked. before putting the surface into gh.

Thank you Eric!

Sorry for bugging again but if I wanted to illuminate this surface, lets say people passed by and it lit up gradually would I be able to do it using attractors? And if so, how?

Thank you once again,







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