
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi I'm new to grasshopper python scripting.

Ahead of manipulating my real work, i'm just trying the method that fits for my project.

I want to get a data representing how many points are intersecting the surface, which moves according to the number slider.

Surface will move from 0 to 220 (mm) with astep of 1.

However, I have a problem with the output of data. Wha

t I want as an output is "how many intersection points are on the moving surface for each step?"

Any suggestions or corrections will be thankful !!!

Views: 583


Replies to This Discussion

Why not just check all the intersection events for every steps?
Do you need separate python coding for that?


Thank you for the great reply.

This rhino components you suggested would help, too.

However, I'm trying to make one python component to evaluate 4 each fiber models I'm on progress now.

Any suggestions on the python codes?

Actually I will try to see 0.01 step from 0 to 220 (mm) at the end.

I can't figure out what the problem of my code is.

The panel should give a different intersection numbers, however, it only gives the number at the end of the loop. And it is overwritten to the whole list.

See Attached!


Thank you for your great figure.

I still didn't run the program because I don't have panda plug-in.

But it seems really cool and I think this is appropriate for me.

By the way, Do I have to install panda python to run yours? I'm now installing visual studio following your post.

You don't have to install Panda

I have made the program a little changed!







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