
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am working on a project currently where the goal is to create a grasshopper script to fulfill criteria that teams set. 

The criteria that I have been given is to populate a series of points with thin, solid, hexagons that are by no means planar. The arrangement is also random. 

I was able to create what I desired not using a script, but I don't fully know where to start when creating a script. 

What I have currently takes a surface and breaks it down into a series of UV points. I do not know how to populate those points with solid hexagons that vary in direction. I hope that the points I created will serve as center points. 

If anyone has insight on this, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Pictured below is an image of what I aim to create using a script. 

Thank you,

Kevin Miller

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Try this:

1. On each point place a XY plane

2. Rotate each plane in XZ and in YZ by random amounts (make sure you have different seeds in the random component)

3. Use the Polygon component to make a Hexagon on each plane. Use a new random component (with a new seed) for the diameter of the hexagons. Use a domain component and sliders to set the minimum and maximum random diameters.

4. You can make the curves into solids in a couple of ways:

4a. Input the hexagon curves into a planar surface component to make flat surfaces. Next extrude the surface in the direction normal to the plane to make a solid


4b. Extrude the hexagon curves in a direction normal to each plane. Then use "Cap Planar Holes" to make the extruded surfaces into solids. 


Thank you for responding so promptly, and sorry for my delay. 

What you said all makes sense, but I am fairly inept in grasshopper. I am not sure where I would find the modules to make this happen. 

With the small script I have right now that creates the undulating point cloud. So I know that from that I need to place an XY plane on that but I do not know which module I am looking to use or where to find it. 
This will probably be the case for every step, eventually. 
I am not asking for you to simplify anything because what you suggested sounds great. But is there a way you can help me find these modules?

Thank you and I apologize for my inexperience in Grasshopper,


Alright, I have been working with the steps you have given me and am encountering issues. I am not fully sure how to handle the seeds, rotation of the planes, or the domain component for the radii. 

I have written a small script. Sadly, I don't believe it does nearly what it should. Guidance at this point would be much appreciated. I have attached the script I currently have. 

Thank you,



As I continue to work I make much more progress than I expected. 

I am still hitting issues with the domain components and rotation in the YZ plane. I have the XZ set, I believe.

This is the newest version of the script I am working with. 

Thank you, 

Kevin Miller






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