
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I´m trying to find a component that is capableto inflate (deform) a mesh. I found this video where the component is a red one at the final part of the definition.
I feel really dumb because i've been looking for it all day and no answer. Please can someone help me find it? I just want the name of the component or another component with similar functions.
Thank you.. :)

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Check this out.

You  need the plugin to complete the definition.



Heyy.. thankss for that.. but i've already done that...  my problem is taht i don't know the name of the component... i already have geometry gym.... i hope somebody can help  me... thankss again
its called mesh inflate.  if you just double click on the canvas and quick type "inflate" it should come up.

Hi Aaron!


I think i found the command, but im not sure of what im doing wrong! Could you check out my deffinition and see if you can find what's wrong??

I added everithing necessary but it doesn't work!


Thank you!!!


Hi Valeria,


You might also want to try the mesh inflation in Kangaroo. It is fairly simple to operate, and can be easily combined with other forces, and interacted with live.

There are some examples here:

I tried to instalate mesh edit and i don't know why the program doesn't respond... the program says that there is an error.. but i don't know why..

mesh edit ? do you mean UTO's mesh tools ? what error ?
I haven't received a license request email from you, so the component will remain red until I send you a validated file.  If you are having difficulties with this, let me know which step is posing problems and I will clarify.

Sorry for not replied before, but i haven´t been able to.

I don´t have outlook! What can I do ?

Hi Valeria,


The license request command also copies the data I need to windows clipboard, you can paste (Menu-Edit-Paste) into an email to me in an internet browser,


Else, you can locate the license file GeomgymLicense.xml in either (C:\ProgramData\GeometryGym (Win7 or Vista) orC:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\GeometryGym ) , the folder is hidden by default so you may have to enable viewing system folders in Windows File Explorer Options menu (use ALT key to access).


I will be looking to make this easier for those that don't have email clients (such as outlook) installed.





Hi Valeria,

If you have StructDrawRhino installed, then you should have been prompted to request a license for the plugin (rhino command sdrZZLicenseRequest ), installation instructions are outlined here: I do work full time on the development of these tools, and rely on license fees for commercial use to do so.

Then, there the sample model shown in the clip can be downloaded here:

Let me know if this isn't clear.



Hi Jon!


Yes, i've been prompted to request a license, but i been told that for students there is a free version!?....What can i do to get the licence then!?


We are students from the ITESM (Tecnological Institute of Monterrey) and we are working on a project for Arq. Alejandro Rodriguez on parametric architecture.


Any kind of info is of great help!!


Thank you!






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