
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to divide this surface so that i can panel it. Whenever I divide the surface it does not respect the constraints of the surface I want to divide.

Does anyone know how to divide (within its bounding constraints) a form like the one shown?

I have attached a screenshot of what I am doing! 

Any help will be very much appreciated!


Views: 8979


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Thanks for your response, 

The solution you propose only creates a smaller box to be divided but does not use the specified shape as the perimeter for the division. Is there a way of constraining the division by the proposed form??

any advice will be very much appreciated! 


Then you need to remodel your surface with this command

it worked! thanks for you help!!!

Thechosenone, which command are you pointing out? The "Surface from network of curves?"
Does that mean that we need to extract the edges of the surface first and then to make a new surface out of them?
But for some reason I could not do that with a surface that has somewhat circle edges:

Any help?


Yes, yes. You understand me correctly, circle edges must be cut into four pieces, and the only way to get untrimmed surface.

And also the grasshopper has no command "NetworkSrf". On this work the old way - by hand.

Thank you Neo :)
I was not aware that "NetworkSrf" is such powerful tool, until today.

Works great.

David, as I understand it, need a something like this.


Thanks for your help and advice!


i have a great issue here.. i cant rebuild my surface.. i will upload my trimmed surface.. and if someone can rebuild it and show me how he did it i will eat my mouse. thanks in advice


I tried to make the same surface with "NetworkSrf" command but the result is corrupted.
Sorry somebody else may try to help you.

thanks djordje >:D< no problem, i got the same results as you got with netsrf :(.






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